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Peter O'Shaughnessy

Web technologies and browser-based experiments

Augmented Reality for Web Developers

Whatever happened to Augmented Reality? There’s been a lot of hype, but has it resulted in anything useful yet? According to the Gartner Hype Cycle, expectations for AR have already peaked and it’s about to move into the Trough of Disillusionment.

However, I’m still excited about AR. In fact, I’m more excited about it now than ever before. Why?

A couple of weeks ago I gave a talk on this subject at the London Web meetup group. It covers Wikitude’s ARchitect platform (a bit like PhoneGap for AR) and WebRTC (an emerging standard for working with real-time communications through the Web).

A couple of people have asked if I’d share my slides. They’re web slides, based on the HTML5 Rocks slide deck. But I changed the design, added media queries and embedded a live WebRTC demo inside. If you haven’t seen an augmented reality dinosaur in your browser before, I encourage you to try it out!

Some quick points to note first:

Here’s the link:

And I’ve shared the code on GitHub:

There’s not too much text in the slides so if you would like a bit more context, the talk was also video recorded and the video is up - thanks to Nathan - at:

talks augmented-reality web